Monday, April 13, 2015

Boys And Reading

Boys do need to be attached to books, at least that is what I know from my experience as a boy reading. I read a lot, and fast, but I have to feel some sort of attachment to the book. If I am not interested in a book it will take me much longer to finish it and I will probably start to read other books in the meanwhile. I do, however, think that there is hope for boys, as I do not think that there will ever be a time where there aren't at least some boys that read. In the New York times article it said that boys gravitate towards non fiction, and I find that interesting, not just because I prefer fantasy and science fiction, but also because I have noticed that most boys like fiction with a basis in nonfiction.

In one of the other articles it said that "A good book for a boy is one he wants to read."  I find this statement to be stupid because it is common sense that good books are ones that the readers like, because the whole basis of "Good Book" comes from opinion and wanting to read implies opinion, so I think that phrasing this sentence in a gendered way is stupid.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, boys do feels some attachment to books, but only if they are for the most part real or could be real. Its just that there not going to believe some weird made up story, and not going to want to finish it.
