Monday, April 6, 2015

Family LIfe

For Readers Choice we had to read Family Life by Akhil Sharma. I found the book incredibly dull, and I was never fully invested in the book. The book was a relatively quick read, I finished it in a few hours. It had little substance and nothing really happened at a pace which would keep me interested. I was able to relate, but only because the story of how my family came to America was very similar, so I was fairly bored by the whole book. It was not bad, it just wasn't good in my opinion.


  1. I agree that this book was really dull. The author added unnecessary information that just made the novel drag on in which case made it more boring for the reader.

  2. I agree this book was very dull and I felt like there should have been more storyline to it other then Birju's accident and the family going through a hard time because of it(through I don't really think that aspect of it was bad because it a least showed the characters emotions with dealing with the accident). Aside from that there could have been a side storyline to try to make the book more cheerful instead of just miserable and boring.
