Monday, June 15, 2015

Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone

For my out of comfort zone book I read a book that was within my favorite genre, but it was a book I could not get involved with. For some reason I cannot remember the book wouldn't grab me. But when I picked it up for this project I fell in love. I read A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1: A Game Of Thrones. It was a very nice read, difficult but perfect for me. I loved the experience and in hindsight I do not remember why this book was out of my comfort zone but I do know that I fell in love with the series and now am on the third book A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3: A Storm Of Swords.

Author Visit

Christina Baker Kline recently came to visit our school, which was very interesting. She told us a lot about the progression of her novel, including writing it, researching it, and getting the idea. I found it very intriguing because it was an insightful visit from what I recall. This happened quite a while ago now and my memory of the day is fuzzy but what I do remember was how she didn't explain her book, but explained the orphan trains which was nice since we had literally just read her book. Another thing I liked about her visit was her explanation of the writing and editing process because I like to write so it was a very insightful visit.

Orphan Train

Orphan Train was a book that I liked very much, it was a book that kept me captivated due to the shifting perspective. It was an interesting story line with a lot of detail. It was a pleasant quick read. I learned a lot about the Orphan Trains and the orphan system of the early 1900s, I also learned about the modern day orphan system that doesn't always work. One definite strength of the book is that the multiple perspective was beautifully written, meaning that it was always a nice change and it wasn't abrupt or off setting. All in all, it was a very good book, that was easy and fun to read as well as educational.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

High fantasy and science fiction have to be my two favorite genres, I have not read many books within high fantasy but one book left such an impression on me that it immediately tied with science fiction as  my favorite genre. The books that I've read within this genre are:

A Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin,

I read this book for class as an out of comfort zone book, and it was one of the best decisions I've made as a reader. It was out of my comfort zone because of a few factors, the gore, the depth of the descriptions and the amount of internal conflicts. I loved this book for all of the things that made it an out of comfort zone book. I loved the many twists and turns this book made and the style of writing within high fantasy really impressed upon me the grandeur of the genre. I love the fact that each high fantasy author has to create a world of his own and then write stories within his world.

Science fiction:

Science fiction, before I met High Fantasy, was my one and only. I love it because of my interest in all science and also the way it was written. I love the way that the story revolves around science, but other than that I cannot really explain the love I have for science fiction. 
I loved this particular book because of the fact that it is a Jules Verne book and that it revolved around the Nautilus, which is the submarine that they travel in, and the fact that it was so far before its time. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Boys And Reading

Boys do need to be attached to books, at least that is what I know from my experience as a boy reading. I read a lot, and fast, but I have to feel some sort of attachment to the book. If I am not interested in a book it will take me much longer to finish it and I will probably start to read other books in the meanwhile. I do, however, think that there is hope for boys, as I do not think that there will ever be a time where there aren't at least some boys that read. In the New York times article it said that boys gravitate towards non fiction, and I find that interesting, not just because I prefer fantasy and science fiction, but also because I have noticed that most boys like fiction with a basis in nonfiction.

In one of the other articles it said that "A good book for a boy is one he wants to read."  I find this statement to be stupid because it is common sense that good books are ones that the readers like, because the whole basis of "Good Book" comes from opinion and wanting to read implies opinion, so I think that phrasing this sentence in a gendered way is stupid.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Independent Reading Choice

My recommended book was The Martian by Andy Weir. It was recommended to me by a worker at Barnes & Nobles, and this was because he saw the books in my hand, which were Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne, Treasure Island, and The Grimm's Tales. I picked it up because he recommended it to me and I picked it up because I couldn't think of a reason not to. I loved this book so much so that it ties with Lord of the Rings as my number one book. It was funny and always kept me interested. The book was never dull and I would recommend it to anyone interested in science and with no aversion to swearing. I would rate the book with a very high score as I found nothing wrong with it. I was surprised that it contained so much swearing but that made it so much more real. Even if you have an aversion to swearing I would recommend this book because it is a fantastic read that is very worth it.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Family LIfe

For Readers Choice we had to read Family Life by Akhil Sharma. I found the book incredibly dull, and I was never fully invested in the book. The book was a relatively quick read, I finished it in a few hours. It had little substance and nothing really happened at a pace which would keep me interested. I was able to relate, but only because the story of how my family came to America was very similar, so I was fairly bored by the whole book. It was not bad, it just wasn't good in my opinion.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Books of My Life

Favorite Childhood Book:

The entire Harry Potter series had to have been my favorite for years, from when i was introduced to it in First Grade, to about middle school. It is still held dear to my heart, but it is no longer my favorite. i must have read each of these books at least ten times each, maybe more. if I am in a good mood i can read 500 pages in three hours, so it doesn't take me long to finish this series. Including time for school and extracurricular activities, i was able to finish the series in five days when I was in seventh grade.

Books That Made Me Cry:

Its pathetic. Yes, I cried at the end of this book. I was bawling because of the way it ended. It took me so long to get into these books, but I had always loved the series. the first 100 pages of the series was one of the hardest things for me to read, but as soon as I got past it I was hooked. I was not able to put the book down at all. So when I got to the ending, which is one of the most bittersweet endings to any book I've read, I cried. It compelled me to buy four other Middle-Earth Books because I didn't want to leave Middle-Earth.

Book That Made Me Laugh
The Martian 2014.jpg

This book made me laugh more than any book has recently. It has a sense of humor that I like, dark and quick. Throughout this book there was always dark humor in serious situations and I found that to be hilarious. There was never a dull moment for mewhen reading this book.

Character That I Identify With

The Martian 2014.jpg

I connected with Mark Watney because I felt that I could relate to him. He had an interest in science which was related to me. I felt that his sense of humor was almost exactly like mine, and i really connected to him. I also feel that he reacted in the same ways that I would in situations like that. He also swore quite a lot, and since he was the first character to swear often in any book I've read, I connected to that. I swear maybe a bit too much.

Favorite Book That Went To Screen

It's only fitting that my all-time favorite book is my favorite movie as well. I loved the book version of this because of the description of the areas, and I loved the movie version because it was shot in New Zealand. I also loved the cast of the movies because they were very fitting of the book characters, The general settings and effects of the movies were very magical in a way that is similar to the books. The movies, especially the extended edition, did not change much from the book and it was able to capture Tolkien's genius.

Top Book on My Must Read List

A pattern seems to be arising, but here is my top book to read. I love Middle-Earth, so of course I want to see the origins of the books. I also want to see what it might have been like to talk to Mr. Tolkien himself.

Favorite Non-Fiction Book:

I liked this book because it was a very interesting study on something that isn't really well known, which is the minds of murderers. I am very interested in psychology so this book is a great way to find out more about how people think.

About Me...

Hello, my name is Aditya. Not much to know really, I love to read for fun, and I love music. If i only had those two things I would be pretty happy. I've always read throughout my life. I am quite a fast reader, and i prefer fiction to non fiction. My least favorite genres would be Non-Fiction and Sports. I really love sci-fi and fantasy books. I prefer series to single books because there is a lot more depth in the book. I prefer the lengthier books as well with many twists and turns, because it keeps me hooked. I could be reading for five minutes and find out that its five hours later.