Thursday, March 12, 2015

Books of My Life

Favorite Childhood Book:

The entire Harry Potter series had to have been my favorite for years, from when i was introduced to it in First Grade, to about middle school. It is still held dear to my heart, but it is no longer my favorite. i must have read each of these books at least ten times each, maybe more. if I am in a good mood i can read 500 pages in three hours, so it doesn't take me long to finish this series. Including time for school and extracurricular activities, i was able to finish the series in five days when I was in seventh grade.

Books That Made Me Cry:

Its pathetic. Yes, I cried at the end of this book. I was bawling because of the way it ended. It took me so long to get into these books, but I had always loved the series. the first 100 pages of the series was one of the hardest things for me to read, but as soon as I got past it I was hooked. I was not able to put the book down at all. So when I got to the ending, which is one of the most bittersweet endings to any book I've read, I cried. It compelled me to buy four other Middle-Earth Books because I didn't want to leave Middle-Earth.

Book That Made Me Laugh
The Martian 2014.jpg

This book made me laugh more than any book has recently. It has a sense of humor that I like, dark and quick. Throughout this book there was always dark humor in serious situations and I found that to be hilarious. There was never a dull moment for mewhen reading this book.

Character That I Identify With

The Martian 2014.jpg

I connected with Mark Watney because I felt that I could relate to him. He had an interest in science which was related to me. I felt that his sense of humor was almost exactly like mine, and i really connected to him. I also feel that he reacted in the same ways that I would in situations like that. He also swore quite a lot, and since he was the first character to swear often in any book I've read, I connected to that. I swear maybe a bit too much.

Favorite Book That Went To Screen

It's only fitting that my all-time favorite book is my favorite movie as well. I loved the book version of this because of the description of the areas, and I loved the movie version because it was shot in New Zealand. I also loved the cast of the movies because they were very fitting of the book characters, The general settings and effects of the movies were very magical in a way that is similar to the books. The movies, especially the extended edition, did not change much from the book and it was able to capture Tolkien's genius.

Top Book on My Must Read List

A pattern seems to be arising, but here is my top book to read. I love Middle-Earth, so of course I want to see the origins of the books. I also want to see what it might have been like to talk to Mr. Tolkien himself.

Favorite Non-Fiction Book:

I liked this book because it was a very interesting study on something that isn't really well known, which is the minds of murderers. I am very interested in psychology so this book is a great way to find out more about how people think.

About Me...

Hello, my name is Aditya. Not much to know really, I love to read for fun, and I love music. If i only had those two things I would be pretty happy. I've always read throughout my life. I am quite a fast reader, and i prefer fiction to non fiction. My least favorite genres would be Non-Fiction and Sports. I really love sci-fi and fantasy books. I prefer series to single books because there is a lot more depth in the book. I prefer the lengthier books as well with many twists and turns, because it keeps me hooked. I could be reading for five minutes and find out that its five hours later.